Translation Library

Energy, Astronomy, Physics, Weaponing & Statistics
(18 dictionaries)

  1. AA.VV. GLOSSARIUM: Alternative Energy Sources. E-F-I-D-Da-Du*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1983. 2 vol. BF 1000.
  2. Isaacs, Alan. Multilingual Energy Dictionary. E-F-I-D-S-P*. New York (460 Park Ave. South, NY 10016): Facts On File, Inc., 1981. $ 22.50
  3. AA.VV. Terminology of New and Reysable Sources of Energy. E-F-I-D-Da-Du*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1982. FF 110
  4. Nentwig, K. Dictionary of Solar Technology. E-D-F-S-I*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1985. $ 121.
  5. CILF. Vocabulaire d'Astronomie. F-E-D*-I-Du. Paris: CILF/Hachette, 1980. FF 120.
  6. Kleczwck, Josip. Astronomical Dictionary. E-R-D-F-I-Cz*. Praha/New York (111 5th Ave.): Czecholosvak Academy of Sciences/Academy Press, 1961. w/p
  7. Dennis, J.G. (ed.). Myezhdunarodnyii Tektonicheskii Slovar (International Dictionary of Tectonics). E-S-I-D-R-F*. Moscow (dis. Collets, Dennington Estate, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 2QT, UK): Mir, 1982. $ 7.55
  8. Choppy, Jacques. Dictionnaire del Speleologie Physique et Karstologie. S-F-E-I-D. Paris (7 rue La Boétie, 75008 F): Spéléo-Club de Paris, 1985. FF 120
  9. AA.VV. Glossaire de la Physique du Plasma. E-I-F. Luxembourg: CCE, 1970. 2 vol. Internal document.
  10. Clason, W.E. Dictionary of General Physics. E-F-S-I-D-Du*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1980/ii. $ 200.
  11. AA.VV. Semiiazichnii Iadernii Slovar (Dictionary of Nuclear Physics). E-R-F-I-S-D-Du*. Moscow: GRINTSF, 1961. 1 r 95 k.
  12. AA.VV. Terminology of New Weapons Systems. E-F-I-D-Da-Du-G*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1985. BF 400.
  13. E. Mori & L. Golino. Dizionario Multilingue delle Armi. E-F-I-D-S*. Editoriale Olimpia: Firenze (v.le Milton 7, 50125), 1998. Lit. 29.000.
  14. Helder, M.P.; Polimeni, A. Dizionario per le Forze Armate. E-I*. Torino: Lattes Editori, 1954. DM 8.90
  15. AA.VV. Glossaire de Statistique. Da-D-E-F-I-Du*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1975. Internal document.
  16. Rasch, Dieter. Biometrische Wörterbuch. D-E-F-S-I-R-H-Cz-Pl*. Berlin (Reinhardtstraße 14, D-1040): VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1987. $ 70.
  17. Stephens, R.W.B. (ed.) Sound. E-F-I-Du-P-R-S*. New York: J. Whiley & Sons, 1974, w/p
  18. Rassam, G. N., ed. Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences, E-F-Du-R-S-I*. Elmsford (Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523): Pergamon Press, 1988, w/o p.
  19. Rabchevsky, George (ed.) Multilingual Dictionary of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry. E-F-I-D-P-S-R*. Falls Church (210 Little Falls Street, VA 22046): American Society of Photogrammetry, 1983 w/p
  20. Everitt, Brian. Dizionario Cambridge di statistica medica. E-I*. Roma (via Bradano 3/c00199 Rome): Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore. 1998, €541.00

This list presents my own available resources as of April 2012.
The inclusion of prices has bibliographical purposes only. Said references are not for sale.