Doctorate in Sociology. University of Urbino, Italy. Magna cum Laude. 1971 - 1975.

Seminars and Conferences sponsored by Regional and National Italian Agencies. Topics included: Computerization of Welfare and National Health Insurance; Budgeting and Finances; Personnel Management. 1977 - 1978.

Seminar and Courses sponsored by the Judicial Language Center, Suffolk Superior Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts ù, on Legal Translation and Court Interpreting. 1986 - 1988. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Consulting activities:

  • Zayre Corporation, Cross-cultural Workshop. Natick, MA. 1988
  • GCA Corporation, Cross-cultural Workshops. Andover, MA. 1985.
  • Digital Equipment Corporation. Cross-cultural Workshop. Woburn, MA. 1984
  • Department of Social Services. Cross-cultural Workshops, Boston, MA. 1984 - 1985
  • Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Lecce. Translation Workshop, Lecce, Italy. February 2000
  • New England Translators Association. Voice-Over Workshop (w/ Rocío Txabarriaga). Boston, MA. January 2008 

Free-lancing activities:

  • Language Consultants Inc., Wellesley Hills, MA. 1982 - present.
  • Linguistic Systems, Inc., Cambridge, MA. 1984 - present.
  • Universe Technical Translation, Houston, TX. 1988 - present.
  • Transimpex Translations, Belton, MO. 1988 - present.
  • Alexandria Translations, Alexandria, VA, 1995 – present
  • E.B.G., New York, NY, 2000-present
  • Phoenix Translations, Austin, TX, 2001-present
  • Merrill Translations, New York, NY, 2004-present
  • Pegasus Translations, Tucson, AZ, 2005-present
  • Worldwide Translations, Chicago, IL, 2006-present
  • Roma Congressi, s.r.l., Rome, Italy, 2007-present
  • Vital Language Solutions, LLC, Cleveland, OH. 2021 – present

Teaching experience:

  • Teacher of Italian. City Roots Alternative High School, South Boston. 2004 - 2005.
  • Teacher of English. ESL program, Harborside Community School. East Boston, MA. 1982 - 1983
  • Teacher of Sociology. School of Nursing. G.B. Giustinian Regional Hospital. Venice, Italy. 1976 - 1979.
  • Teacher of Sociology. School of Nursing. Mirano Provincial Hospital. Mirano (Venice), Italy. 1978 - 1980.



  • A.T.A. (American Translators Association). 1983 - present.
  • A.T.A. - Chairperson of the Dictionary Review Committee. 1989 - 1993.


  • Suffolk Superior Court, Judicial Language Center, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Court Interpreter (Italian). 1986.


Books, authored:

  • Several volumes on the social and health services of the greater Venice). City of Venice. 1977 – 1980
  • Translation (w/ MariaRosaria Buri): Sandro Castaldo. Trust in Market Relationships, Cheltenham (Glensanda House, Montpellier Parade, Glos GL501UA, UK): E. Elgar Publishing. 2008. 309 pp.



Some 29 magazine articles, published in Italy and on The ATA Chronicle. 1977-2008. Listing available upon request.

Books, translated into English

  • L'album fotograficodi Karl Pflanzl, Alpiner Referent sul Monte Nero (The photoalbum of Karl Pflanzl, Alpiner Referent on the Krn), by Paolo Seno. 1st edition: 2013. EdiOfi, Mestre. 2nd edition; 2020, Tralerighe Libri, Lucca
  • English version of L'Italia s'è gesta, Body Language Italian Style by Luca Vullo © 2019, Lit Edizioni srl.
    • Biomechanical Notes On Angular Stable Internal Fixation With Conical Fit (Fissazione interna mediante accoppiamento conico: riscontri di biomeccanica) by Andrea Urizzi. © 2011 Andrea Urizzi. First edition: May 2011
    • Biomechanical Notes II - The Vitcone® Orthopedic System by Andrea Urizzi. © 2021 Andrea Urizzi. First edition: May 2021


      Fluency in Italian, English, Spanish and French.


      Available on request.

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