Translation Library

Metallurgy, Metal Working, Chemestry, Plastics, Oil & Gas Industry
(32 dictionaries)

  1. Schlomann, Alfred. Illustrierte Technische Wörterbücher: Eisenhüttenwesen. D-F-E-R-I-S*. München/Berlin: Verlag von R.Oldenbourg, 1910. Lit 35.000.
  2. AA.VV. Steel Standards Glossary. E-F-I-D-Da-Du*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1978. BF 660.
  3. AA.VV. Subcontracting Terminology: Metal Sector. E-F-I-D-Da-Du-G-S-P*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1984. BF 800.
  4. AA.VV. SIDERURGIE: Terminologie de base. E-F-I-D-Da-Du*. Luxembourg: CCE, 1977. Internal document.
  5. Clason, W.E. Dictionary of Metallurgy and Metal Working. E-F-S-I-D-Du*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1978/ii. $ 218.50.
  6. Dettner, Heinz. Dictionary of Metal Finishing and Corrosion. E-F-I-Du-D*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1971. DM 74.
  7. Northrop, Richard. Short Glossary of Italian Mechanical-Engineering & Metallurgical Terms. I-E. Peoria: Northrop, 1989. w/p.
  8. AA.VV. Dictionary M 1.3: Machine Construction. I-E* Windanau (CH): Schnellmann Verlag, 1988. £29.30
  9. Brunhuber, Ernst. Foundry Dictionary. E-D-F-I*. Berlin (Postfach 6120280, Markgrafenstrasse 11, D-1000 61): Schiele & Schön, 1984/III. DM 95.
  10. Heiler, Toni. Illustrated Technical Dictionary of Metal Cutting Tools. E-F-S-I-D*. Paris/München: Eyrolles Ed./C. Hanser Verlag, 1964. $ 72.50.
  11. Clason, W.E. Dictionary of Tools and Ironware. E-F-D-S-I-Du*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1982. $112.75
  12. I.I.W. Multilingual Collection of Terms for Welding and Allied Processes.
    • Gas Welding. Cz-E-Fi-F-D-I-M-N-Pl-R-SC-Sl-Sk-S-Sw*. Ljubljana (Ptujska 19, 61001 CRO): Institut za Varilstvo, 1982. $ 20.
    • Arc Welding. Da-Du-E-F-Fi-D-I-E-N-SC-S-Sw*. Bale: Ass. Suisse pour la Technique du Soudage (@ Institut za Varilstvo), 1958. $ 15.
    • Resistance Welding. Cz-Da-Du-E-F-Fi-D-I-E-N-Pl-Ru-R-SC-Sk-Sl-S-Sw*. ASTS, 1965. $ 15.
    • Thermal Cutting. Cz-D-Da-Du-E-Fi-F-I-N-Pl-Ru-R-SC-Sk-Sl-S-Sw*. ASTS, 1965. $ 15.
    • Hot Spraying. Cz-D-Da-Du-E-Fi-F-I-N-Pl-Ru-R-SC-Sk-Sl-S-Sw-T*. ASTS, 1968. $ 15.
    • Brazing, Soldering and Braze Welding. Cz-D-Da-Du-E-Fi-F-I-N-Pl-R-SC-Sk-Sl-S-Sw*. ASTS, 1971. $ 15.
    • Special Welding Processes. Cz-D-Da-E-Fi-F-I-N-Pl-Ru-R-SC-Sk-Sl-S-Sw*. ASTS, 1981. $ 15.
  13. Pentenero, Paolo. First Dictionary of Welding. I-E*. Venaria (TO): Grafiche Baudano, 1988. Lit 95.000.
  14. Dorian, A.F. Dictionary of Chemistry. E-F-S-I-D*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1983. $ 176.25.
  15. Clason, W.E. Dictionary of Chemical Engineering. E-F-S-I-D-Du*. Vol. I: Chemical Enginnering and Laboratory Equipment; Vol. II: Processes and Products. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1978/ii. $ 155.25 each volume.
  16. Dorian, A. F. Dictionary of Industrial Chemistry. E-F-S-I-D-Du*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1964/xii. $ 213.25.
  17. Aghina, Luisa. Dizionario Tecnico per l'Industria Chimica. I-E. Florence: Vallecchi Editore. 1961. DM 29.40.
  18. Schlomann, Alfred. Illustrierte Technische Wörterbücher: Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie. D-F-E-R-I-S*. München /Berlin: Verlag von R.Oldenbourg, 1963/III. DM 149.40.
  19. AA.VV. Dictionary CHE. 1.3 - Chemical Engineering and Laboratory Equipment E-I*. Widnau (CH): Schnellmann Verlag, 1988, £29.30
  20. AA.VV. Dictionary K.1.3 - Plastc Engineering. E-I*. Widnau (CH): Schnellmann Verlag, 1988, £29.30
  21. Dorian, A.F. Dictionary of Plastics and Rubber Technology. E-D-F-I-S-Du. London (Dorset House, Stamford Street): Iliffe Books, Ltd., 1965. $Mex 43,700.
  22. Wittfoht, A.M. The Technical Terms in Plastics Engineering. E-F-I-S-Du*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1975. $ 94.75.
  23. Wittfoht, A.M. Kleines Kunststoff-Wörterbüch. D-E-F-S-I-Du*. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1963. DM 22
  24. Ferraris, Franco. Dizionario per l'Industria delle Materie Plastiche. I-E-F-D*. Milan: Istituto Italiano dei Plastici, 1977. $ 32.95.
  25. Glentz, W. ed. A Glossary of Plastics Terminology. E-D-F-S-I* München: Carl Hanser Carl Hanser Verlag, 1993
  26. Carrière, Gerardus. Dictionary of Surface Active Agents, Comsmetics and Toiletries. E-F-D-S-I-Du-PL* Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1978. $ 76.25.
  27. I.G.U. Dictionary of the Gas Industry. F-E-S-I-P-Du-D*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1961. $ 94.75.
    Supplement to the Dictionary of the Gas Industry. F-E-S-I-P-Du-D*. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1973. $ 48.75.
  28. AA.VV. Onshore/Offshore Oil and Gas Multilinagual Glossary. Da-D-E-F-I-Du*. London (Bond Street House, 14 Clifford St., W1X 1RD): Graham & Trotman Ltd (for the Commission of the European Communities), 1979. DM 93.70
  29. Underwood, A.J.V. Six-Language Vocabulary of Distillation Terms. E-F-S-R-I-Du* London (16 Belgrave Sq., SW1, U.K.): European Federation of Chemical Engineering, 1967. DM 16
  30. CPI. Dictionary of Technical Terms Concerning the Items in an Oxygen Plant. D-E-Da-S-F-I-Du-Sw. Paris (32, bvd. de la Chapelle, XVII F): CPI, 1971, FF 86.
  31. CPI. Dictionary of Technical Terms Concerning the Items in an Acetylene Plant. D-E-Da-S-F-I-Du-Sw. Paris (32, bvd. de la Chapelle, XVII F): CPI, 1970, FF 86.
  32. IIW. List of Terms Used in Ultrasonic Testing. Da-Du-E-F-D-I-Pl-S-Sw-Sl-T. Paris: CPI, 1967. FF 19.
  33. AA.VV. Multi-lingual Glossary of Industrial Diamond Terms, E-G-F-Du-I-E-P-Sw-J-Ch*, Charters, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berkshire (SL5 9PX): De Beers Industrial Diamond Division, w/o d. & p.

This list presents my own available resources as of April 2012.
The inclusion of prices has bibliographical purposes only. Said references are not for sale.